When was Fame Fad launched?
Fame Fad was launched on Saturday January 15th 2011 . The first official post featured a waxwork Kim Kardashian in a bikini photo from her Twitter feed!

Why do the archives go back to December 2007 then?
Fame Fad has inherited our former female celebrity blog called FJ Girls and all it’s content and that blog was officially started in December 2007 hence the archives!

Is Fame Fad basicaly FJ Girls renamed with male celebrities as well?
Yes and No? FJ Girls was a site built to basically use a dormant domain and to put it to some sort of use and  earn its keep. Female Celebrities was something pulled out of the air and became the focus and it was an experimental site that grew and proved succesful but became unfocused, fragmented, cluttered and a confusing site to navigate made up of many mini sites which eventually even confused its owner.. Fame Fad has been designed from the ground up with style, navigation, ease of use being the priority. It is a totally different animal from the original FJ Girls right down to the very server it is on. Fame Fad is a very tightly celebrity laser focused website, designed to load faster and hits its target market harder and squarer in the face which is the style people seem to like these days. So Yes it is FJ Girls renamed, sort of, as it has inherited all the content but NO it’s completely different in layout and format to the original FJ Girls website and bears no resemblance whatsover!.

Is Fame Fad a US or UK based celebrity blog?
The writers/owners are based in the UK in London and the hosters are based in Europe. The hosting may be moved to the US in the future if visitor levels reach epidemic proportions!

What mix of celebrity news from around the world does the Fame Fad blog feature?
The main content features celebrity news from the US and the UK with a smattering of other news from other parts of the world but it just seems to be the UK and the US is where it’s at most consistently in celebrity news terms with London, New York and LA being the celeb hot  beds.

Why the name Fame Fad?
After looking at hundreds of celebrity blogs to see what other people are doing we decided that a website with celebrity in the name was not the way to go. Something a bit different that sums up the celebrity world and Fame immediately sprang to mind. The Fad part was arrived at as after celebrity blogging for nearly 3 years certain stars seem to come into prominence when a film or single/album is released, they become the “in thing” to the exclusion of everybody else and drive the media into a frenzy for weeks or possibly months then mysteriously disappear off the face of the planet to be replaced by the next “in celeb”. Fad is a word that sums this situation up and hence Fame Fad was the idea and checking to see it was available on the .com which it unbelievably was, Fame Fad was registered in our name sharpish and Famefad.com was born!

Whats the general tone of Fame Fad as in writing style?
A mixture of serious and not so serious headlines with a subtle under current of sarcasm always there in the background. Check the website header featuring Jessica Alba for confirmation of that fact.

Is Fame Fad like most celebrity blogs mainly aimed at women?
FJ is a bloke so the chances of this turning into a handbag.com or an OK mag are pretty remote, we would say the split from our past experience with FJ Girls would be 60% women and 40% men, something of that order so the writing style and site look is aimed with that in mind. Fame Fad is basically a site that anybody would find interesting so will feature fashion stuff, baby bumps, relationship dramas  that women are into and goss but also stuff that blokes find interesting such as Kim Kardashian in a bikini and Brad Pitt spotted out on his new massive motor bike thing in LA burning rubber and Jay Z and his new single!

Whats happened to the original site FJ Girls and why has it been taken over?
FJ Girls originally was a spare domain we had kicking around that wasn’t doing anything and we thought “why not turn it into a female celebrity website and see what happens?” that’s how FJ Girls came about. The site grew and became successful but hit many problems the main one being you are always only getting half the story, female stars seem to be dominating the proceedings these days but then again names recently such as the Michael Jackson death which crashed Google, Eminem and his massive hit “Love The Way You Lie” burning out the You Tube servers and breaking all viewing records and Robert Pattinson of Twilight are just three examples of what the site was missing. Hence Fame Fad which covers both Male and Female Celebrities.

What will be happening with the old FJ Girls website?
The old FJ Girls will be kept and will be turning into a lads mag style site very late 2011 along the lines of FHM, Esquire, Loaded and other such magazines and will be featuring “hot beautiful women, fast cars and sexy gadgets”. this will be an experimental site, if it flys it will be developed and expanded further.

Is Fame Fad owned by different people or is it the same people from FJ Girls?
No change in ownership, same people, same location, same bloggers just a different name to reflect the fact we are covering both male and female celebrities.

Who is this FJ character?
FJ is a London based webmaster who runs many websites and is a celebrity blogger. Check The Authors page for further details.

How long has FJ been blogging?
About 3 years since early 2008.

Who is BitchyBabe and how long has she been blogging?
BitchyBabe is a recent addition to this site and is based in London. She’s in her early twenties, is not short in the looks department and is a total newbie in blogging terms and is a student who is willing to learn. She’ll be filling in when FJ is elsewhere or things get incredibly busy. Check “The Authors” page for further info!

How many posts/articles will be at Fame Fad on a daily basis and do you post weekends.
Monday – Friday post count will vary in line with the headlines at the time. If the celebrity world is buzzing there could be 12 or 15, if it’s quiet then maybe just 1 or 2,  but from past experiences around 5-6 posts a day seems to be the average. We don’t post weekends as we are working on other non celebrity sites but if there is a massive headline then it will appear on a Saturday and if uber exceptional then it will appear on Sunday but it really does have to be exceptional!

When are blog posts published throughout the day? Is there a regular time?
At FJ Girls we used to post  between 3 and 5pm UK Time regular as clockwork M-F, but this has now changed with some posts coming out early as in before 10am UK Time and some posts maybe in the afternoon with some coming out late evening as well. Mobile technology has changed where and when and how often posts are done and increasingly more posts are being done whilst on public transport via smart phone with less reliance on PC’s hence the change.

Why are some of the posts from the archive at FJ Girls minus the photos?
A mass import of posts from FJ Girls was performed prior to the fame fad launch and post count was in the order of 3000 plus. Within  that import there will always be errors. These will be rectified in the first couple of weeks after the Fame Fad launch. It’s a manual process and takes time to sort but the original text and links from all the articles will still be intact. This probably applies to about 10% of the archive articles.

Why are some of the posts from the FJ Girls archive difficult to find on Fame Fad?
A lot of the posts were imported in a detagged and decategorised format on purpose as these are archive articles. Tagging and categorising only goes back to about late 2010 we didn’t think it necessary to go further back than that.. All new posts at Fame Fad are fully tagged and categorised. To find a particular post, if you know the date use the archive feature on the far right hand column where posts are broken down into months.

What sort of posts feature at Fame Fad?
Everything to do with celebrities and Fame Culture. Celebrity Gossip, Photos, Videos, Music Reviews, Film premiere, Festivals, music releases, live music,  film releases, on set photos, paparazzi, births, deaths, marriage, divorce, spotting, latest headlines, parties, awards ceremonies and events and the rest……………………in fact anything to do with the celebrity and entertainment world and fame culture.

Is Fame Fad the only Celebrity Website or are there others?
Fame Fad is part of the JV Digital Medianetwork of websites and includes other sites such as Fox Hollywood (Paparazzi), Celeb Goss (Celebrity gossip Portal) and fan sites that include Cheryl Cole, Kim Kardashian and Kristen Stewart. Other websites are in the pipeline for 2011 including a Film Site and an On Set Behind The Scenes Film Making site..

Will Twitter be at Fame Fad?
Yes we are on Twitter, FJ it has to be said is not a fan of it but we will be using this as more of a communication medium in the future, what form this takes at this present moment in time (Jan 2011) remains to be seen.

Will Fame Fad be on Facebook?
Fame Fad is not on Facebook at present (as of Sept 2011 now in Beta form) but we may have a business style presence and “Wall” there in the foreseeable future which may tie in with the planned Fame Fad Community.

Will Fame Fad be on My Space?
Due to the fact that Facebook has  dominated the social networking site scene we have no plans to put Fame Fad on My Space!

Are you looking for more celebrity bloggers to write articles at Fame Fad?
At present No (Sept 2011) but things could change in the future. Use our contact form if you think you are up to the job with links to sample articles. If we are interested we’ll get back to you inside a couple of weeks and put you on some sort of waiting list, if we are not interested you’ll hear nothing!

Can visitors use the photos that appear on this site?
Check the individual photo credit at foot of article for licencing details. Most at present are public domain or Creative commons licenced and are free to use but check the link for further details. Photos sourced from news agencies, paparazzi photographers are normally copyright of their respective owners and cannot be used!

Can Fame Fad articles be copied and used on my blog?
A simple cut and paste  of any articles on this blog and putting on your own blog and passing it off as your own is not allowed and all articles are copyright of Fame Fad. If you wish to share the article click on the social networking buttons so that the correct credit is given to this Fame Fad site. Alternatively the first 20 or 30 words with a read more link pointing back to Famefad.com indicating where the article was sourced from and it’s associated article is deemed as acceptable and within the terms of use of this website. See the Fame Fad terms of use for further details