Currently has two rather strange characters that think they are capable of stringing a sentence together to get people clambering from all corners of the globe in eager anticipation that this is indeed the place to be?

FJ: A bit of a shifty secretive type based in London that seems to think he is the dogs dangly bits and is an authority on entertainment news, celebrity gossip and pop culture. Loves winding up his readers by saying something fantastic will be happening the following day only to leave them with some dull boring headline that has them tut tutting for months to come but they keep coming back and thats what matters! Has never worked for The Sun, The Guardian, The Times or indeed rarely reads newspapers let alone writes for them. Has never worked for OK Mag as a freelance photographer either? Prime credentials to be a succesful celebrity blogger? Fancies his chances with Cheryl Cole and Kim Kardashian and reckons Megan Fox quite likes his lavish sarcastic writing style? He is yet to meet any of them in person or even to hear from them! Thinks he's a bit of a lady killer but the jury is also out ob that one?

BitchyBabe: Another London type who when asked in her interview can you tell us one of your not so redeeming qualities  she said “I can be a bit of a cow at times” In which the reply was “you will fit in a treat here, you've got the job!” A  looker of the first order and reckons she is an expert in popular culture right down to how many sugars Lily Allen takes in her tea as if we really care about that. A total beginner at celebrity blogging though but with a mouth like hers if she can transfer that severe attitude problem into blogging words then the owner of this site can retire and spend time driving around in one of those Maserati things with the strange name whilst smoking large cuban cigars and laughing hysterically surrounded by bikini clad women? Just don’t mention Paris Hilton to her?